Hexen mods
Hexen mods

hexen mods hexen mods

You can certainly compile a map and run it with FTE and Hexen2 resources, the issue I see with making H2 maps is that the original engine limits are just not fun to work with anymore and seriously need to be upgraded and modernized! On this front you have spike with the FTE engine and eric with his compiler toolset. This is going to be a huge uphill battle because of several factors Engine, editor, compiler, mapping talent and eventually audience!Īt the root of any flourishing game community is coders they essentially extend the (existing) engine limits and compiler tools. I was wondering how neat it would be if people were interested in a doing the odd Hexen 2 level. The issues I can think of, in no particular order(and with hints on what fte can cushion), are header(which is what enables the h2 builtins+writebytes), extra builtins(yay for extensions - you might need to use builtin number 0 in the interim), extra networked fields (drawflags, with its abslight and scale origins being the most annoying), the whole writebyte nightmare (sv_csqcdebug 1 should help diagnose stuff a little), particle effects (good luck getting those looking faithful without engine code), the hud (yay csqc!), you'll need to reskin player models or just ditch colormaps entirely too, the mission pack adds a new mdl format too. It might be an interesting undertaking for someone, but I don't see it as a practical one as it'll probably always feel a bit crippled. Realistically the only new engine that it'd run okay on would be DP, and even then all the things you'd have changed (like particles and the hub system) would result in it just feeling wrong. You'd also need lots of particle stuff too, and yes, a hud. In order to get hexen2 working, you'd still need a load of extensions - starting with tracebox. Practically speaking, most nq engines are basically crippleware. Regarding porting hexen2 to quake, ignoring the legal issues, I'm not sure that there's much point. this means that you can map for hexen2 in any quake map editor you want (ignoring possible palette issues, and easy ent definitions). Its also worth noting that ericw's qbsp can compile either quake or hexen2 format. You'll probably also need to increase some of the bsp limits, if they're still hardcoded somewhere. Regarding bsp2, its fairly simple really, just change the 4-byte magic, then change all the shorts to either 32bit ints or floats (depending on whether they're indexes or coords).ĭoing it in such a way that you do not break bsp29 is the challenge.

Hexen mods